The man DONGO SAMUEL DAUDAyom LGA Plateau State
A professional tailor by training, certified Entrepreneur by passion, a politician by calling and a marketer by profession.
DONGO SAMUEL DAUDA was one time NAPSS PRESIDENT Plateau State polytechnic Barkin Ladi and double as the NAPSS NATIONAL SENATE PRESIDENT, who was efficient during his term in office and was graded as 1 of the best Senate president in the history of plateau state students union.
DONGO SAMUEL DAUDA has present himself to contest, to represent the good people of Riyom constituency in the Plateau state house of Assembly,
With the slogan COLLECTIVE INTEREST s"boards to greater heights"
He is presently member Barking Ladi Riyom federal constituency in the north Central youth parliament.
He is also the Chief Executive officer (CEO)of Mrsam international stitches Jos Plateau
He is married and bless with children
JOITAB reporter
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