A Bigbuzznation Queen is a symbol of greatness, an enormous personality that possess all the qualities of Royalty.
A Bigbuzznation queen is a celebrity and a public figure, A queen that stands for everything positive, well recognized and has a voice of impact.
A Bigbuzznation queen is a queen that must have good moral and social standard, an individual that strives to support others and add values to the society.
A Bigbuzznation queen is a red carpet Slayer, an event enthusiasts, a pageant judge, an awardee and a pace setter.
A Bigbuzznation queen is a true definition of greatness. An ambassador of peace, a humanitarian and a role model.
A Bigbuzznation queen is unique, consistent, committed, classy, optimistic, confident, bold, elegant, intelligent, smart, relevant, fashionable, presentable, outspoken, loyal and conspicuous.
A Bigbuzznation queen is an advocate of positivity that advocate for everything good and right
A Bigbuzznation queen is an overwhelming African woman. A queen that promote our African heritage, uphold our culture and believes in it.
A Bigbuzznation Queen is a girl child advocate and an outstanding representative of the girl child.
A Bigbuzznation queen must stand out, must be active, must be relevant and must give back.
A Bigbuzznation Queen is an educationalists that believes everyone has rights to education and deserves to be educated.
A Bigbuzznation Queen is the future and the pride of the modelling industry.
Mail :bigbuzznation@gmail.com
Phone: 234 9021298257 or 234 9086091474
Instagram @bigbuzznation
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